Friday, 7 February 2020

what is hydraulic fracturing?

what is hydraulic fracturing?

Hydraulics have many applications. Hydraulic Fracturing is one of them. So, here we are getting to discuss, what's hydraulic fracturing?, Hydraulic fracking pros and cons, etc. Before starting, I might wish to inform you that hydraulic fracturing and drilling are two entirely different processes. Hydraulic fracturing is the process done after the completion of hole drilling.
Many countries like Canada, New Zealand, China, etc.. are investing in hydraulic fracturing to explore petroleum and gas under the world surface. Barnett shale formation in northern Texas was the primary place that used hydraulic fracturing technology and Bakken shale formation within the Canadian province is one among the active sites.
Hydraulic fracturing or fracking may be a method used for extracting oil or gas beneath the world surface. This method is employed to enhance the productivity of natural oil and gas wells. The fracking method is often applied to both existing and new wells. This method injects water, sand, and chemicals at high to open or widen the cracks under the world's surface. The tight oil and tight gas trapped in hard shale rock formations are often extracted using this method.

read on Hydraulic Fracturing Process Steps

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